Gold Star Families register HERE.
This is a new page to our website that is currently being constructed.
Our mision is to honor the Fallen and support the Gold Star Families.
The Mountain Man Memorial March is different. We don't exist solely to run or march a distance, we exist to honor and remember the legacies of those who have served our Nation; we do this to recognize the sacrifice of the Gold Star Families; we do this to hear their stories and rember the legacies of the great Patriots who served and left their loved ones behind; we exist to celebrate and never forget the lives of our fallen Service Members; we do this as a Military and Veteran community bridging the gap with our civilian community to continue messaging the struggles and great sacrifice it takes to keep our Nation free!
When you are running or rucking the course, you are not only competing and challenging yourself physically, but remembering and honoring fallen Servicemembers. Take time to honor, remember and get to know our Gold Star Families. If you are a Gold Star Family, we thank you for your sacrifices in service to our Nation!
May God bless our Nation and all that have served, are serving and will serve!